Ok, I just realized that I haven't posted pics of Fin's b-day or Christmas. Hmmmm, did I post any of Christmas? I honestly can't remember. I got new point and shoot camera for Christmas and have those pics of her on that camera and have yet to get them downloaded! It is has been two months ago, geesh. I am promising myself to get this done this week. She is cute and sweet as ever. She is showing some strong personality traits, very stubborn and independent. I keep hearing from numerous family members that she acts just like me. Ha- I have no idea what they are talking about!
She went to the dr for a cold last week and the dr thought she heard a heart murmur, so we are off to get an echocardiogram (ultrasound of the heart) to check things out. I hear this is a common thing so I am waiting to freak out about this! Can you imagine a two year old sitting still for this? Wish us luck! This is scheduled for March 4th so keep us in your thoughts and prayers that my sweet little girl will be fine and healthy.
My pregnancy has been fine, too. Only 11 weeks to go! I feel like I am doubling in size every week! I had a young lady tell me the other day- Wow, you are getting big, are you sure there is only one in there? For anyone who has been pregnant, you all know how FLATTERING a question like this is. I just smiled and said sweetly, yep, there is only one. Well, as sweetly as I can sound, anyway! Well, enough said for now.
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